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Business Development

In our world of studies, programs, spreadsheets, and matrices, we frequently lose sight of the fact that one of our strengths as an industry is our commitment to the individual member.


This is especially true in business development where we make the mistake of thinking that websites, billboards & radio spots have any significant impact on our growth in any given area. While these are necessary, they are very limited in their effectiveness.


The strength of credit unions has always been at the “grassroots” level. We provide you with programs, processes, and tools that will maximize your business development efforts starting with your tellers straight up to senior management. It also involves the implementation of an accountability process, that we refer to as the “3 M’s”, which stands for Mentoring, Motivating & Monitoring.

Why Consider BCUS Business Development?

Loans are the lifeblood of the credit union. They are what the membership looks to credit unions for and they are the single most profitable product that any credit union offers. The challenge is that consumers, collectively, are borrowing less in the current market, making it an even tougher environment for credit unions to attract new business.


The good news is that, even with a reduction in overall lending requests, almost everyone will require a loan at some point. This is why credit unions must proactively communicate to their membership, your credit union is ideally the only place they would want to do business.


As part of the BCUS New Loan Development process, we will engage your credit union in creative and proven growth tactics, positioning you above the competition, which enables increased loan volume while mitigating risk and losses.

Member Appreciation Program

Very few credit unions have an ongoing and consistent methodology for saying "thank you" to their members. Typically it's just the verbal thanks the front-line regularly extends or the occasional thank you card/message following a new loan or account opening.


As important as these things are, they fall short of touching every member of the credit union.  It is important the credit union utilizes a way to make direct contact with virtually all of the members. You need to let them know that they are appreciated for their past, present, and potential future business.


This is precisely what BCUS’s Member Appreciation Program is designed to do. It ensures your credit union will be the first place considered to fulfill any and all financial needs that arise. 

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​Benefits to your Credit Union

  • Consistent and enduring contact ensures your credit union is the member’s first choice when considering their lending options

  • Enabling you to increase your loan portfolio in specifically targeted areas

  • Providing additional opportunities to cross-sell other products and services

  • Maximizing products per household for your existing members

  • Bringing new members into your credit union

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