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Drops of Water





In an ever-changing industry, it is necessary for credit unions to maintain a focus on how to best position themselves and minimize potential loss while facilitating future growth. 

Our 3M Process provides your credit union with customized solutions and guidance based on expert insight and first-hand experience. Having worked with credit unions of various sizes for over forty years has provided the insight to transform today's challenges into tomorrow's achievements.


Our programs capitalize on areas of opportunity, by teaching your team to work smarter and more efficiently. This is accomplished by leveraging the existing strengths identified in our comprehensive, multi-layered analysis.


By ascertaining and maximizing your organizational health, our programs are designed to ensure your credit union remains competitive and excels in today’s financial services industry.

Gradient Background


About Our

Modern Building


True mentoring can easily be compared to a partnership. Both the mentor and the individual or team being mentored have responsibilities in this process.


While it is more intellectually involved and takes a longer view than any skills training program. It is about the mentor truly learning where the individual or team are at now, and clearly communicating to them where they need to be and why.

Then on an individual basis, achieve their “buy-in” by showing the benefits which matter to them, and become evident as a result of their actions.  And this is why the BCUS 3M Process is administered on four levels:

 Individual, Team, Department Supervision, and Senior Management.


There are a number of concepts to be acted upon to achieve the second 'M'.   A few of these key concepts include Reward, Priorities, Challenge, Competition, Encouragement, and Support.


The basic definition of motivation is “our overall willingness to accomplish something”.


However, true motivation is being able to transform “willingness” into “drive”.  The kind of drive where actual goal-related action, on the part of the individual and the team, is the only possible response.


The role played by department supervision in this process is one of Competition, Praise, and Encouragement. Lastly, but certainly not least, is the role of senior management. They must consistently verbalize, show, and demonstrate to all those involved their absolute Support for these efforts.


This function has different meanings depending on who is doing the monitoring and the nature of the data they are seeking. Regardless of that, the appropriate purpose of monitoring is measurement and accountability over a variety of time periods.


For quarterly goals there should be monthly & weekly monitoring. For monthly goals there should be weekly and daily monitoring. Individuals should monitor their results to ensure they are where they should be on their individual goals and be certain they are contributing at least their share to the team goals.


Teams should monitor from the perspective of what the individual team members are contributing, which will enable them to give additional encouragement to team members who may need it.

Department supervision and senior management need to monitor on a higher level, primarily from the perspective of accountability, whether that takes the form of consequence or reward.


The Focus Areas of our 
3M Process 

​Maximize your business development efforts with proven tactics to make you stand out from the competition and increase loan volume, as well as new membership while mitigating risk and losses 

Business Development

Delinquency Control


Revitalize your collections personnel to function much more effectively and provide lasting results in your delinquency portfolio to mitigate charge-off.

Achieve Strategic growth and sustainable results.  Our program aims to mitigate the inherent risk of lending through the development and implementation of quality-driven, service-oriented lending and underwriting practices. 


Additional Premium Services 

Skills +

Our results-driven and proven multi-modular process shapes skills and development to allow for the infusion of best practices within your organization.

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